Returns & Exchanges
In the unfortunate scenario that you need to return or exchange your order, here’s some helpful info to keep in mind:
Return for Refund
- 30 days from ship date
- Not eligible for custom or vintage products
Return for Exchange
- 60 days from ship date
- Not eligible for custom or vintage products
- All returned items must be in unused and unworn condition (when applicable) and returned in original packaging.
- Oxford Pennant will provide a pre-paid mailing label for returns. The cost of this return shipment ($9 flat-rate within the US) is the responsibility of the customer and will be omitted from refund (additional fees may apply for international returns).
- A refund or exchange will be processed upon receipt of return.
All sales on frames, vintage items, and custom projects are final.
Please click here to begin processing a return or for assistance.